发表: 2021年7月2日

I just received the Spring 2021 issue of the Coloradan. 绝对的美丽. And given this past week [March 22, 2021], it made me wonder how different the Summer issue will be. And it saddens me how long might be the pall that the tragic 2021 博尔德 Massacre eventually casts.

格里高利•辛顿 77年(公共汽车)


I am a retired nuclear/mechanical engineer living in 圣达菲,新墨西哥州. I am also an amateur musician (clarinet and saxophone). 我对"气溶胶巨星的文章. 在文章顶部的图片中, I noticed that 雪莱米勒 was placing a cover over the bell of a clarinet in order to minimize aerosol distribution when the instrument is played. I can see how a cover over the bell works on brass instruments (trumpets, 长号, 法国的角, 大号, 等.) as all of the air blown into the horn by the musician transfers through all the tubing of the instrument and exits at the bell. However, for woodwinds (clarinets, saxophones, flutes, bassoons, 等.), unless you are playing the lowest note on the horn (all finger holes and keys closed), the air blown into the horn by the musician comes out all the open key holes as well as the bell. It seems a person would need to put the whole instrument into a bag to keep the blown aerosols from dispersing into the room (especially for the high notes where most of the keyholes are open). 

由于COVID-19的限制, all five of the bands and musical groups that I play in have been on hold since March of 2020, 我真的很想念打球. 因此, I am really curious about how professor Miller was able to successfully mitigate the COVID risks for musical wind instrument performers at the university.  

大卫·高秤 (MechEngr ' 73)


I’m always impressed by the continuity of the design of new buildings on campus with the themes of the past with the “trademark sandstone brick, 石灰石装饰和红粘土屋顶瓦.” 

How about a story on the unsung craftspeople that continue to build the new buildings and keep the tradition alive?

大卫•阿姆斯特朗 (68年经济学”)


I am always impressed by the breadth and substance of the subjects covered. Even though most don’t apply to me, I do find them interesting and informative. I like that this magazine is not just a “rah-rah” tool for CU. Despite this, it still instills pride in our university. I have always marveled at how much information you are able to gather on myself and my fellow alumni.

乔·菲利斯 (72年跨度”)


I am a communications officer at The Colorado Health Foundation, 我负责博彩平台推荐的年度投票, 脉冲. I got an alert about your March 18 article "如何应对大流行." I plan to share it on our social media channels but saw that a correction is needed. In the article, it states: "The statistics back her up. A September 2020 survey from the Colorado Health Foundation found 77% of Coloradans reported anxiety, 与COVID-19相关的孤独或压力." In fact the percentage is actually 53% of Coloradans who have reported they experienced mental health strain, 比如焦虑, 孤独或压力. You can see that in our interactive dashboard [with 脉冲].


[编者注:博彩平台推荐更新了博彩平台推荐的 在线版本 有了正确的统计数据. 博彩平台推荐对这个错误感到遗憾。.]


The following letter is in response to our March 31 online exclusive, “Everything You Need to Know 博彩app推荐 CU’s Involvement in the 阿联酋火星任务.” 

我非常喜欢那篇博彩app推荐火星的文章. I didn’t realize that it was a collaborative effort, 或者科罗拉多大学也参与其中, 更不用说在那个层面上了. 对阿联酋人非常尊重, really a professional grade article — it gave plenty of information for us to understand who was involved, 贡献了什么?, 背景是什么?, 成就是什么?, 等.

Yousif Aluzri (MCDBio 15)


以下是节选自 以赛亚书Chavous” (PolSci 21) guest opinion essay in the 博尔德 每日相机, 5月20日出版. 阅读全文 dailycamera.com:

I learned quite a lot in my senior year at the 博彩平台推荐, 但并不是所有的知识都来自课堂. I had the privilege to serve as student body president, which  provided me a frontrow seat to engage and observe during perhaps the most tumultuous year in CU history. 

Despite all odds, much was accomplished this year. 然而,还有很多事情要做. 

The confluence of COVID and a civil rights reckoning had an impact on just about everything, 不仅仅是在科罗拉多大学, 但是在社会上. 

经历这一切, my fellow students and I received important lessons we can carry with us the rest of our lives. We learned how to adapt to dramatic shifts in how our education was delivered and how to be flexible. I suspect these skills will serve us extremely well in the future. 

We saw that we could transition to remote learning and developed an appreciation for faculty who had to do the same. 这对任何人来说都不是最理想的,但它奏效了. Students had to be creative and improvisational in how we fostered the “traditional” college experience so crucial to academic success and personal growth. 这是宝贵的经验. 

Student government was particularly invested in focusing on student mental health. 隔离, uncertainty and fear the pandemic wrought led to a crush of need for mental health services. We worked with the administration to ramp up services and increase personnel, 并将他们与有需要的学生联系起来. This effort must continue as the pandemic subsides. 

The racial reckoning that began with George Floyd’s murder was a significant focus this year, as well as a tremendous learning experience. Students engaged on the issue at unprecedented levels, and it remains at the forefront. We learned how to make our voices heard and how to work productively.

以赛亚书Chavous (PolSci 21)

