This checklist is intended to be used as a supplement to information obtained from the University Catalog and the gradute program, and as an aid to preparing degree plans for master students. The graduate program should be consulted about specific additional requirements.

Pre-Candidacy (在学位课程的早期和中期)

Work with your graduate program to understand the degree requirements for your degree. Each graduate program has coursework requirements above and beyond those listed below.


  • Minimum of 30 credit hours of graduate level work taught by members of the graduate faculty. 论文 plan students must register for 4-6 thesis hours (9 for MFA students). 
  •  A graduate student must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 on all coursework taken to earn a degree and in order to maintain good academic standing. 
  • Any course being applied toward the degree must be taken for a letter grade and must be given a grade of C or better to apply. 
  • A maximum of 6 credits at the 3000-4000 level may be used toward a master's degree at the discretion of the graduate program.
  • For additional detail regarding coursework requirements, refer to the graduate school rules in the University Catalog.

After completion of one semester (or six credit hours) with a GPA of 3.0 or higher, submit a transfer of credit request if applicable. Transfer credit is defined as any credit earned at another accredited institution, 在科罗拉多大学系统的另一个校区获得的学分, or credits earned as a non-degree student within the CU system. Work with your program to complete a Request for 信用证转让 form. Each graduate program will review the courses for course content and may have requirements above and beyond those listed below.


  • The transfer of credit limit is 9 credit hours, and 18 for the MFA degree.
  • Courses must have been taken at an accredited institution with a grade of B or better. 
  • Transfer work that is five years old or more at the time of transfer must be evaluated by the major department as to current relevance and applicability to degree requirements. 
  • Courses may not have been used toward a bachelor's degree, 向同一水平的另一个程度发展, or from a doctoral degree to a subsequent master's degree. 看到 back of the form for further transfer of credit rules.

If you are on the written thesis degree track, submit a 硕士论文计划表. (形式不适用于创造性论文, 项目, 音乐论文项目, 投资组合, 或其他高潮活动)

Semester of Degree Award- Non-Written 论文 Students

申请毕业生 在Buff Portal中 公布的最后期限 这个学期.

Master's students must submit to the 研究生院 a Candidacy Application for an Advanced Degree by the 公布的最后期限 during the semester in which the degree is to be awarded. Applications follow a workflow process and must be approved by the academic department before they are directed to the 研究生院.

If applicable to your degree plan, conduct Final Exam by 公布的最后期限 这个学期. (Consult you unit with any questions regarding the exam and your degree plan). 提交 硕士期末考试表 考试日期前至少两周, and be sure you are registered during the semester of the exam.

Ensure that grades for incompletes and thesis hours have been submitted by your program by the 公布的最后期限 这个学期.

更新 文凭名称、地址及 审核信息 for commencement celebrations, transcripts, and diplomas.


申请毕业生 在Buff Portal中 公布的最后期限 这个学期.

Master's students must submit to the 研究生院 a Candidacy Application for an Advanced Degree by the 公布的最后期限 during the semester in which the degree is to be awarded. Applications follow a workflow process and must be approved by the academic department before they are directed to the 研究生院.

Master's thesis students are required to complete a thesis defense after the other requirements for the degree have been substantially completed. 进行辩护 公布的最后期限 这个学期. 提交 硕士期末考试表 考试日期前至少两周, and be sure you are registered during the semester of the defense.

Master's thesis plan students must submit their thesis electronically, 与论文批准表格(TAF)一起提交, by the 研究生院’s deadline in order to graduate in any given semester. Students should submit the thesis electronically and must have an approved submission by 5:00 p.m. 截止日期当天. The TAF must be submitted along with the thesis as a supplemental file. 请参阅论文的格式规范. The 研究生院 recommends that a pre-check of your format be done before you submit the final version. You can request that by e-mailing a pdf of your thesis to

Ensure that grades for incompletes and thesis hours have been submitted by your program by the 公布的最后期限 这个学期.

更新 文凭名称、地址及 审核信息 for commencement celebrations, transcripts, and diplomas.


Graduate students who need to leave school for 1-2 semesters may participate in the 休假 Program (details available from the Office of the Registrar). Any semester(s) on 休假 are included in the time limit to complete the degree. Students who are not utilizing the 休假 program and do not register during a given fall or spring semester will be automatically withdrawn from the University and must fill out an application for readmission. Students who withdraw from school permanently must do so formally with the Registrar’s Office. If you are an international student and plan to participate in the 休假 program or withdraw from school, please see an advisor at International Student and Scholar 服务.