Published: Aug. 27, 2020 By

Nora BarpalCollege of Music graduate Nora Barpal, left, 想要打破阻碍年轻音乐学生成为专业音乐家的障碍. 其中一个障碍是进入音乐学校的试镜过程往往很繁琐.

With the COVID-19 pandemic driving live music auditions online, Barpal says that now is the time to remove the inequities that Black, 土著人和其他有色人种在申请大学时经常面临的问题.

面对面试镜的高昂费用可能会让低收入家庭的学生无法接受大学音乐课程, says Barpal, a 2018 graduate with a bachelor’s of music and a minor in theater.

Barpal has partnered with Josh Wilson, a 2019 College of Music graduate, to launch the Music Inclusion Coalition (MIC).

“Change begins in the audition room,” said Barpal, who played the euphonium and went to many auditions.

博彩平台推荐希望将教育工作者、导师和学生聚集在一起,创造一种变革的动力. We’re trying to build a community of people who are saying, ‘We want a music school that looks different, sounds different and is inclusive for everyone.’”

MIC的一项举措是向低收入高中提供高质量的录音设备,这样学生就可以远程试听音乐节目, be accepted and subsequently make music their career. The coalition is also working to provide students that identify as Black, 土著和其他有色人种(BIPOC)和/或LGBTQIA+提供资源和指导. 消除限制学生试镜能力的成本障碍将开始解决音乐教育中缺乏多样性的问题.

博彩平台推荐已经确定从高中到高等教育的过渡是博彩平台推荐失去大部分BIPOC学生的一个点,” she said. “This is apparent in the following comparison of two studies:


“高中音乐系学生的种族/民族组成中有58%是白人, 13 percent Black or African American, 17 percent Hispanic or Latino, 4 percent Asian or Pacific Islander, 8 percent two or more races, and less than 1 percent American Indian or Alaska Native. 来自社会经济地位最高的五分之一的学生在音乐系学生中所占比例过高. In comparison, NAfME在2007-2012年进行的一项研究发现,音乐教师执照候选人是人口中经过精心挑选的一个子集. Candidates identified as 86.02 percent white, 7.07 percent Black, 1.94 percent Hispanic, 1.79 percent Asian, 0.30 percent Native American or Alaska Native, 0.32 percent Pacific Islander, 0.82 percent multiracial, and 1.74 percent other.”

Josh Wilson今年5月,巴帕尔在纽约大学获得表演艺术和表演艺术管理硕士学位. Wilson is working on a master’s degree in music technology from NYU.

“Graduating during a pandemic is a whole other experience,” Barpal said. “感觉就像在世界末日来临之际,我在写一篇博彩app推荐无关紧要的事情的论文. I had done all this work in academia, but I felt like I wasn’t doing enough to help others in general. I wanted to do more service for others.”


When examining common problems in music programs, one that stood out for Barpal and Wilson, right, 他们有能力解决的一个问题是高昂的试镜费用. 高中学生经常被要求亲自参加某所学校的试镜, or the in-person audition is “highly recommended.“对于许多学生来说,申请、旅行和交通工具的成本可能是令人望而却步的障碍. Barpal said there can be a bias against submitting a recorded audition, 好像这表明学生不像那些亲自试镜的人那样致力于追求教育.

巴帕尔说:“并非所有人都意识到这些主要的财务障碍。. “你参加的每一次大学试镜都要花费数千美元. If you don’t have resources, you can’t do it. 博彩平台推荐正试图改变有关录取过程的讨论,使其成为一个更有道德、更公平的录取过程.”

MIC提供了一种设备,学生可以用它来制作高质量的视频和音频录音. 这种设备会被送到高中,并贴上退货标签,这样他们用完后就可以退货了. 

MIC正在为每一种乐器制作全面的录音指南, such as the best of practices for recording the bassoon, the piano, etc., 确保学生们知道这个过程是什么样的,什么最适合相机.

“Since everything is being done virtually now,” Barpal said, “对于那些负担不起现场试镜的学生来说,这应该成为一种普遍的做法.”

因为有色人种不成比例地受到系统性资源缺乏的阻碍, Barpal said, 他们往往是在资金已经不足的学校,当这些学校和许多学校的预算被削减时,音乐课程往往是第一个被取消的.

At the level of higher education, when schools experience funding cuts, world music programs and ensembles tend to be eliminated first. World music is traditional music that comes from developing countries. 音乐在其他类型的音乐之前被淘汰,因为音乐课程往往以欧洲为中心, said Barpal.

博彩平台推荐看到这些削减是因为学校里没有有色人种的音乐教育家和音乐家,” she said. “How can we get these artists into music schools? Why isn’t there more awareness of this? Why aren’t we being taught other types of music?

巴帕尔说:“博彩平台推荐希望改变与教师、招聘人员和音乐总监的对话。. 博彩平台推荐想教给学生新的和有效的方式来表达意图和兴趣. 这是博彩app推荐在音乐教育方面开辟新的包容和扩展的方式.”