发表: 8月. 13, 2024 By

从表面上看,编织和工程似乎毫无关联, 但事实上,它们有很多共同点. 劳拉Devendorf, 阿特拉斯研究所和信息科学的助理教授, is determined to build bridges among practitioners across these disciplines to unlock the potential for new lines of scientific and creative innovation.

To support this work, Devendorf, who directs the 不稳定设计实验室, was recently awarded a U.S. 国家科学基金资助 of $297,630美元用于一个大型项目的第一阶段, “打造跨学科智能纺织品研究生态系统”.”

an animation showing how AdaCAD software can create complex weaving patterns by altering individual elements这项研究建立在Devendorf和她的团队开发的软件基础上, AdaCAD, an open-source tool they describe as an “experimental workspace that applies parametric design to the domain of weave drafting. It supports algorithmic and playful approaches to developing woven structures and cloth, 适用于轴式和提花织机.” 

这项新研究的目的, 正如德文多夫所描述的那样, 是, “take this software that we built for doing complex weave drafting and transition it to a project where it is sustained and grown by a larger community of weavers and [those] who we call ‘textile-adjacent engineers’.“那样的话, AdaCAD can develop and adapt to the needs of a wider user-base over time as all good open source software does.

This work exemplifies the radically interdisciplinary work that the 阿特拉斯 Institute champions. 通过将不同的专家和社区聚集在一起——在这种情况下, 艺术家, 工匠, 工程师和研究人员——博彩平台推荐创造新的发现方法.

纺织品无处不在,但在工程领域却经常被误解. 惊人的数学复杂性, materials knowledge and innovation that have arisen over centuries of textile practice are often overlooked. 同时, 来自传统工艺的织工, art and design may be unfamiliar with meaningful advances in the engineering space.

把这两个世界结合在一起, Devendorf hopes to open up opportunities for breakthroughs in technology and craft, whether that is in advancing electronic-textile science or pushing the boundaries of artistic expression.

例如, an engineering team may seek ways to monitor health without the use of adhesives often required for electrodes, while weavers already have options for materials and techniques that could replace such adhesives. 然而,这两个群体往往都不了解彼此的需求和技能. 但是要克服这种知识差距, Devendorf believes engineers and weavers could together achieve greater impact. 

的re are signs this is beginning to take place, and she aims to speed the process. 研究 labs at CalTech and MIT as well as industrial design studios around the globe have acquired digital looms to experiment with weaving advanced materials and experimental forms.

劳拉Devendorf stands smiling in the 不稳定设计实验室 while holding a colorful woven form and showing it to guests但首先:倾听
该项目的第一阶段将侧重于事实调查和规划. 的 team will lead community-engagement activities and trainings and gather points-of-view from craftspeople, 设计师, 工程师和许多社区的其他人.

Devendorf and her team have begun interviewing people from a range of overlapping disciplines. 的y include a weaver with a fine arts background who now works on woven implantables for a medical devices company and a textiles expert 研究ing stronger, 用于航空工业的较轻编织材料. 还有一些人正在研究零浪费, “whole garment” clothing manufacturing and human-computer interaction surfaces on the body. 纺织品的应用范围正在以惊人的速度增长.

Devendorf解释了最近兴趣的上升:“十年前, 这都是博彩app推荐创客运动和数字制造的, and it took a while before people realized that textile machines are also fabrication machines that can do things that we're still trying to get 3D printers to do. 纺织品本质上是多材料的. 它们有弹性,可以变硬,也可以变软. It's a totally different mindset to control a textile machine [compared] to a printer that is making stacks. 的re’s a big learning gap there, but you see a lot of fabrication people jumping in.” 

TC2织机由挪威数字织造 has also expanded access to advanced weaving techniques as a first-of-its-kind prototype-scale digital jacquard loom that is programmable with a bitmap image. Now you no longer need a factory-scale setup to experiment with textiles fabrication.

第II期, the team will focus on cultivating the ecosystem through on-the-ground work with communities and creating opportunities for practitioners to share what they are making. Devendorf also aims to expand opportunities for craftspeople in scientific 研究 and product design spaces.

她解释说:“作为一个社会,博彩平台推荐有巨大的问题需要解决. 我相信工程学可以解决其中的一些问题, but I don't think we can do it if we don't have access to every possible technique… We're overlooking a huge set of practices and people in communities that have knowledge we need to solve some of these bigger challenges. 我的直觉是手工艺人懂得材料, process and machinery where so much of engineering is happening at a simulation level [while] trying to engineer materials that behave like the simulations.”

通过促进工程和编织社区之间的相互联系, Devendorf和她的团队 不稳定设计实验室 will position textiles as a leading source for innovative solutions to global challenges.