犯罪受害人权利 & 信息


如果你是犯罪的受害者, 受害人的亲属或犯罪现场的证人, you may be eligible to receive money to pay for some expenses or damages. 

资格, the crime must have been reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency and the person would need to apply to the victim compensation program in the county where the crime occurred.  如果犯罪发生在博尔德县,当事人就会 通过此资源申请. 


  • 医疗/牙科费用   
  • 心理健康咨询和治疗 
  • 埋葬/丧葬费 
  • 家政和家庭保健服务 
  • 失去工资/失去对家属的支持 
  • Replacement of eyeglasses, hearing aids, and other prosthetic appliances 
  • 财产损失.e. repair/replace exterior windows, doors, locks of a residential home damaged by crime 

More information on Crime Victim’s Compensation in Boulder County  


http://bouldercounty.gov/district-attorney/cvc/#1642031445643-b9cadd33-179d  or  



 The 受害者权利法 (VRA) in Colorado ensures that crime victims are treated with fairness, 尊重, 尊严和不受恐吓, 骚扰, 和滥用. The VRA also helps to ensure that victims are informed of critical stages of the criminal justice process and that they may be present for, ,听到, 在某些阶段也是如此.  The Constitution of Colorado guarantees certain rights to victims of the following criminal acts: 

  • 谋杀 
  • 过失杀人 
  • 过失杀人和车辆杀人 
  • 攻击 
  • 威胁 
  • 绑架 
  • 性侵犯 
  • 虐待儿童 
  • 儿童性剥削 
  • 涉及儿童卖淫的罪行 
  • 针对高危成人和青少年的犯罪 
  • 有伤风化的暴露 
  • Aggravated robbery, robbery of a controlled substance, and robbery of the elderly or disabled 
  • 在性侵犯案件中违反了保护令 
  • 乱伦和严重乱伦 
  • 人口贩卖 
  • 一级入室盗窃 
  • 为了性满足而侵犯隐私 
  • 跟踪 
  • 有偏见的犯罪 
  • 报复:对受害人或证人的报复 
  • 对法官、检察官或陪审员的报复 
  • 粗心驾驶导致死亡 
  • Failure to stop at the scene of an accident resulting in death 
  • 任何涉及家庭暴力行为的犯罪 
  • 证人或受害者恐吓 
  • 任何犯罪企图, 阴谋, criminal solicitation or accessory involving any of the crimes above


Following a crime, sudden death, or traumatic event, the impact will vary for everyone involved. 一些常见的反应包括: 

  • 震惊和难以置信,麻木 
  • 有不想要的记忆 
  • 焦虑或恐慌的感觉 
  • 感觉“迷失”或“不知所措” 
  • 易怒(快哭或生气了) 
  • 责备或怀疑自己,“如果我有……...” 
  • 噩梦,睡眠障碍 
  • 感觉对发生的事情负有责任 
  • 食欲不振 
  • Anger 
  • 无缘无故地哭泣 
  • 重新经历创伤(闪回) 
  • 问题集中 
  • 抑郁和悲伤 
  • 对以前喜欢的活动失去兴趣 
  • 家庭、事业和/或学校的破裂  
  • 不明原因的头痛、恶心或身体疼痛 


We are sorry to hear that you may have been a victim of crime. 这种经历可能会产生压力, fear, 让你们感到困惑, and we would like to offer our help with any problems you may be experiencing as a result of this crime. 如果你是上面所列罪行之一的受害者, 你的权利受到科罗拉多州宪法的保障. This site is designed to inform you of your rights and to help you exercise those rights. 

Please reach out to the CU police officer or victim advocate assigned to your case, 获取更多信息和获取资源的帮助.  

您也可以查看博彩平台推荐的 受害者的宣传 page to learn more about resources and services provided by the university, including through the Office of Victim Assistance and our embedded police victim advocate.  



要查看科罗拉多州法律规定的完整权利列表,请博彩平台推荐: http://dcj.colorado.gov/dcj-offices/victims-programs/crime-victim-rights-act-vra 或者看看这些 帮助资源.  


在初次报告之后, the officer taking the report or a department supervisor will review the case to determine if there is enough evidence and/or leads to assign for further investigation. Further investigation may be with the officer that took your report or it may be assigned to a detective.  If your case is assigned to a detective, they will be in contact with you. If it is determined a crime was committed and a suspect is arrested and charged, 你的案子将提交地方检察官处理. The District Attorney’s Office will review the case and decide if prosecution of the suspect will occur. Keep in mind that it will not be your responsibility to decide if the case will be prosecuted. The District Attorney’s Office will make the decision about whether or not the case will be prosecuted. 


恐吓、骚扰和跟踪都是犯罪. 如果你被恐吓了, 骚扰, 或跟踪, 或者你觉得自己随时处于危险之中, 请拨打911. 其他可用的有: 


If any of your property was taken by the police as evidence or recovered during an investigation, 而且这不是违禁品, it can be returned to you as soon as it is no longer needed for evidentiary or prosecutorial purposes. If you have not been notified or property that can be released to you, 与负责该案件的警官或侦探协商.  在来取你的财产之前, we request that you call the evidence custodian to make an appointment for all property releases. 

逮捕的信息 & 报告 

To get a copy of your case report, call CU Police 记录 at 303-492-5115 or fill out this form: www.科罗拉多州.edu/police/content/request-criminal-justice-record  


如果逮捕是基于VRA犯罪, the victim will be signed up for VINE (Victim 信息 Notification Everyday http://vinelink.vineapps.com/state/CO/ENGLISH a system that will notify the victim of any custodial changes (release or transfer) that occur after the defendant's initial arrest. Notifications may be delivered via phone, SMS, or email based upon the victim's preference. *Must Opt-out if you would not like to receive notifications, no Opt-in required  

The Boulder County District Attorney’s Office will inform you of future court dates and legal proceedings. 


  • 科罗拉多大学博尔德警局紧急调度中心:911 
  • 科罗拉多大学博尔德警察局非紧急调度:303-492-6666 
  • Boulder Police and Fire-Rescue Non-Emergency Dispatch: 303-441-3333 
  • 博尔德县通信:303-441-4444 
  • CU Boulder confidential Office of Victim Assistance: 303-492-8855 
  • CU Boulder confidential Counseling and Psychiatric 服务: 303-492-2277 
  • CU Boulder confidential Faculty and Staff Assistance: 303-492- 
  • Crisis Intervention 服务 and Mental Health Partners: 303-447-1665 
  • Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Non-Violence: 303-444-2424 (24/7 hotline and shelter)  
  • MESA (Moving to End Sexual 攻击): 303-443-7300 (24/7 hotline) 
  • 博尔德县住房和公共服务部:303-441-1000 
  • Tru社区临终关怀和姑息治疗:303-449-7740 
  • 心理健康伙伴戒毒管理:303-441-1281 
  • 紧急家庭援助:303-442-3042 
  • 博尔德县监狱-预约电话:303-441-4650 
  • 博尔德少年拘留中心:303-441-3978 
  • 博尔德县地方检察官办公室:303-441-3700 
  • 博尔德县验尸官办公室:303-441-3535 
  • 博尔德社区卫生-山麓医院:303-415-7000 
  • UC健康龙峰医院:720-718-7000 


If you have any questions or concerns regarding your rights as a victim, call the confidential CU Boulder Office of Victim Assistance at 303-492-8855 or the Boulder County District Attorney Victim/Witness director at 303-441-3700. 

如果当地所有争取你权利的努力都失败了, you may request assistance from the Governor’s Victims’ Coordinating Committee. 有关更多信息,请致电 Office for Victims’ Programs at the Colorado Division of Criminal Justice in Denver at 303-239-4442.